
Weather webcams in Bergamo

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webcams in the region of Bergamo

weather Webcam Bergamo
Webcam Bergamo
From the old fort on the hill of San Vigilio north-west of the historic city of Bergamo, you can enjoy an extended distance vision. In the lower Bergamo are the Accademia Carrara, a collection of paintings by Botticelli, Rubens, Raphael, Pisanello an...
weather Webcam Gandino
Webcam Gandino
weather Webcam San Pellegrino Terme
Webcam San Pellegrino Terme
San Pellegrino Terme is an Italian commune in the province of Bergamo with 4963 inhabitants. San Pellegrino Terme is located in the Val Brembana on Brembo river, about 24 km from Bergamo and 70 Km from Milan. In the municipality of San Pellegrino Ter...
weather Webcam Colere
Webcam Colere
Colere is a municipality in the Province of Bergamo in Lombardy, Italy. The community Colere located 45 kilometers northeast of the provincial capital of Bergamo and 90 km northeast of the city of Milan. The neighboring communities of Colere are Ango...
weather Webcam Lovere
Webcam Lovere
weather Webcam Almenno San Salvatore
Webcam Almenno San Salvatore
Almenno San Salvatore is an Italian town in the province of Bergamo, Lombardy. Almenno San Salvatore lies about 45 km northeast of Milan and 9 km northwest of Bergamo. The neighboring communities of Almenno San Salvatore are Almè, Almenno San Bartol...