
Weather webcams in hamburg

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webcams in the region of hamburg

weather Webcam Hamburg
Webcam Hamburg
Hamburg is located in the moderate climate zone. Due to the prevailing westerly winds by maritime influences the climate in Hamburg in the winter is mild, cooler in the summer than in the eastern hinterland. Follow the weather in Hamburg on our weat...
weather Webcam Hamburg
Webcam Hamburg
weather Webcam Hamburg
Webcam Hamburg
weather Webcam Hamburg
Webcam Hamburg
weather Webcam Hamburg
Webcam Hamburg
weather Webcam Hamburg
Webcam Hamburg
In Hamburg the warmest month of July with an average of 17.4 ° C, the coldest month of January with 1.3 ° C. Temperatures around 28 ° C are not uncommon in Hamburg in mid-summer. In the past 15 years temperatures up to 38 ° C were measured in Ham...