You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '/Europe, MAX(IF(languagecode = 'en',name,NULL)) as eng, MAX(IF(languagecode = ' at line 3Fehler mit Abfrage:
SELECT countryid, region1id, region2id, region3id, region4id, lat, lng, zip, COALESCE(es/Europe, eng, base) name FROM ( SELECT countryid, region1id, region2id, region3id, region4id, lat, lng, zip, MAX(IF(languagecode = 'es/Europe',name,NULL)) as es/Europe, MAX(IF(languagecode = 'en',name,NULL)) as eng, MAX(IF(languagecode = baselang,name,NULL)) as base FROM city c inner JOIN city_languages cl ON c.idregion = cl.regionid WHERE idregion = '224815' GROUP BY idregion )suby