Weather Webcam Wellington
Webcam "Weather Webcam Wellington " |
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Location of Webcam: | Show on map |
Webcam-Coordinates: | -41.286460 / 174.776236 |
Altitude over sea: | n/a |
Weather-Webcam-Motiv: | Container Wharf |
Newest Webcam-Picture: | 19.08.2024 12:56:33 |
Webcam-Source: | to sourcewebsite |
Infos about Wellington |
Sunrise: | 18:15 hours |
Sunset: | 08:50 hours |
Sights in Wellington: |
Famous Waters: |
Famous Mountains: |
Touristic Regions: |
Wikipedia: | Wellington |
Infos about Wellington
Weather Webcam Wellington
In Wellington, there is the Webcam Weather Wellington with motif: Container Wharf.
Enjoy the slideshow of this weather webcam.
The webcam Wellington is regularly updated with new pictures.
Track the current weather in Wellington with the webcam WELLINGTON.
Weather Webcam Wellington (Container Wharf): Keep up with the time-lapse weather Webcam Live the weather Wellington. Despite all adversities such as earthquakes, major fires and regularly waving in Sturmstaerke Windstroemungen the paltry settlement Wellington rank developed with several dozen residents from becoming a thriving center for the import and export with a major port and in 1865 ran Wellington Auckland, official capital to be New Zealand. The transfer of the capital from the already then much bigger Auckland in emerging metropolis on the Port Nicholson was deemed necessary in order to be able to prevent secession in the South Island due to the now more central location, germinated because of the gold rush in Otago.